Monday, 9 January 2012

My Committment to 2012

I have read a few posts lately where people have said they don't like making New Year's resolutions and that's cool, each to their own. I however, am an anal list maker in every facet of my personal and professional life, so I just see a New Year's resolution as another list. In saying that, I like to put things on that list that are achievable, things that I can tick off, rather than a goal which is impossible to determine like "be a better person".

I can't remember what my 2011 list was, but I do believe it had something in it about getting a new job and graduating, which I did, so here is my commitment to, my list for, 2012….

  1. Be admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of NSW
  2. Get my Body Back
  3. Launch 'Dat Girl'
  4. Watch my Savings Grow
  5. Move out of Home
  6. It's a Secret…
  7. Plan my wedding!!!

Be admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of NSW

This is just a matter of filling in all the paper work, paying the money and attending the ceremony. I have been avoiding the huge amount of paperwork for some time now though, so this is an important thing to have on my list!

 Get my Body Back

I have pictures of when I was at my goal wieght and it might not look like much to others,  but to me it symbolised a lot of my hard work and eliminated a lot of self-doubt. In the tail end of last year I became lazy and this body said bye bye… in 2012 I am going to welcome back this body and stay committed to it so it becomes my permanent body, not the body "I once had…". I am going to look at this picture every time I get too tired to go to the gym or go for a run. In ticking this off the list, I will stay committed to healthy eating and I WILL complete C25K!!

Launch 'Dat Girl'

Dat Girl is a new project I am working on that I haven't mentioned before on my blog. I don't want to say too much now before I get a few more stages completed, but the launch of Dat Girl could really change my life as I know it. Here is a sneak peek...

 Watch my Savings Grow

I love shopping and I love going out, but my savings account doesn't it and this only harms me. I am an adult now and I have adult things to save for, soo in 2012 instead of looking at "how much money can I spend" each payslip, I will be trying to look at "what amount can I survive on not putting into my savings account". Remember I said TRYING… this one will be a toughie!!

Move out of Home

As many of you know, this one is already in the works.. I have started purchasing things and by mid next year should be living out of home with A =)

It's a Secret…

I can't reveal this one because of a certain boy that reads this blog, but you can private message me if you want to know…

Plan my wedding!!!

Well eyy this one is a no-brainer, it is one that I have already started doing, written about on this blog and will continue to do for the big day in 2013!!!

I know some of these things on my list might seem easy to achieve, or pointless to list, but why should there only be difficult things on there? Why should I make achieving goals harder than they have to be???

Did you make a list for 2012? What is on it?

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! What a list ! Interested to see what "Dat girl" is also!
    Planning a wedding is so much fun! I am helping my sister plan hers atm but she doesnt think its THAT fun haha

    Ms S Xx
