Monday, 5 November 2012

Ole Ole

Friday night after work, I was running around the house screaming "OLE OLE" - It was Mexican night! I was so excited for Mexican night, I was seriously acting like a 5year old who had too much red cordial and I was told several times to shut up or find another phrase.


Mexican night was dinner at The Big Mexican Rancho in Gymea Bay.

This was my second attempt at a dark red lip. I have to say I don't mind it at all, what do you think?


I also look so much blonder now, thanks to my hairdresser. I'm really liking it.

I only have a dark red gloss at the moment, so if I decide the look is a keeper, I'll have to get a lipstick for longevity.

Wearing a light grey Kookai dress.


Someone told me that if it was your birthday you got to wear a Sombrero. It was my best friend's (who is currently living in Colombia) birthday the day before.. good enough right?

I tried to take a panorama pic of the crew at Big Mexican Rancho it looks a bit odd, okay a lot odd.
The food at was deelicious and cheap! I think the most expensive main was around $21.

Super Nachos Large $27 - we shared this amongst 6
The other cool thing about Big Mexican Rancho is that it is completely BYO and by completely, I mean we entered with a few bottles of wine, a CASE of beer and a bottle of Tequila.

Chicken quesadilla and 2 chicken tacos - $18
As I walked around the restaurant, I noticed others with eskys full, so yes not a fine dining experience, more like a fun dining experience :)

After dinner, we headed back to a friend's place for some general messiness with his dog.

It seems the dog gets around...


A looked too cute here haha.

Saturday morning rolled around and I was feeling anything BUT fantastic! Lucky for me, we had the time to have a do nothing, go nowhere, stay in PJ's kind of day and that we did. It was the recovery I needed.

Sunday morning, like a person who does a lot with their weekends, other than party and sleep, I was up at a beautiful 4:30am getting ready to head to the Blacktown markets with some Dat Girl clothing.

It was a great day I thought, I learnt what to do and not do, I got some great feedback, made some sales and got the Dat Girl name out there.

My brother also scored a bird for his 30th birthday, which our dog Bobbi is so in love with, she almost broke her back trying to get on the table to play with it.

I am thinking of heading to Glebe markets next.

Sydney siders or people along the NSW coast.. what's your favourite market?

All in all, another good weekend, that went way too fast and seemed way too short.


  1. Oh - food food food.. haha looks delish!

    how did DatGirl go at the markets?

  2. YAY I freaken love Mexican food!!!! I could eat it til the cows come home!
    YES to the red lippy I think you could go more of a blood red too! Try Russian Red by MAC. xx

  3. M has ribs when we go to that place. They are bigger than his head! And so cheeaaaap!

  4. Mexican food is seriously the BEST. I live for it.

    Glad to see Dat Girl is going well x

  5. Big Mexican Rancho is my all time fave restaurant! Next time try the enchiladas. they are amazing!
