Friday, 2 November 2012

Flashback Friday: Jamila's Wedding

This Flashback doesn't go waaaaaaay back haha it actually only goes back to March this year.
I always meant to do a post on this beautiful wedding, but I never got around to it, so here it is...
My gorgeous friend Jamila (aka the stunning bride) got married in the Ivy Ballroom. The Ballroom is such a pretty venue and they really have taken care of all the little touches.
Both the reception and ceremony was in this room, as they had already had a South African wedding a few months prior and didn't want to do a huge thing all over again. 
I wore this Bluejuice backless lace dress, I posted about wearing it here, but I actually bought it for this wedding and this was the first time I wore it. I teamed it with some red heels I bought in the Philippines with crystals in the heel.

I loved her centrepieces, probably because I want something tall, slim and flowery. When you looked over the whole room it just looked sensational and really created drama.

I remember that the day before this wedding, we had just moved into our new apartment and in together. With the wedding and a bunch of other things on, there was no time for unpacking on this day and when we got home slightly intoxicated, we were faced with our newly delivered mattress (and not much else) on the floor. We started ripping off the plastic and then gave up.
We slept the night on the plastic with some sort of blanket over us and our new pillows, surrounded by boxes.
I love how the skirt of her dress poofs up around her when she sits. When I tried on my dress, the designer told me to sit down in it and I was so so thrilled when I realised it did something very similar,
These two girls and the bride, we all know each other because our exes were all friends and all in the same group. Obviously, that was years and years ago now... we have all broken up with our then boyfriends, but we are still friends :)
And are little bit silly....
Okay a lot silly...
It was such a great night, as I flashback I can't help but smile at how beautiful everything was and how much fun we all had.


  1. I love the centerpieces! I hate a crapload of flowers on the table and then you can't see the person across you at all.

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