Monday, 12 November 2012

Bare foot

A friend of mine is leaving Oz in two weeks, for TWO YEARS! Her and her man are off to South America and North America, before living in London and travelling Europe for the remainder of their 2 years abroad. Jealous!!
The gorgeous Gemma & I
I need a tan ASAP!
For their farewell, the cute couple held a barefoot bowls event.
I've never been barefoot bowls before, but it's a lot of fun, even when the boys are beating you silly and teasing is a regular thing. We finally won one point, when I grabbed a professional bowls man and told him his new name was Sarah. He cam over to the team and said "Hi, my name is Sarah and I think it's my turn". Hey, no one ever said we were above cheating?! haha.

Pretending to be my model.
Wearing Dat Girl's so savage skirt and ronnie blouse


Action shot!
Friday night we stayed in, which was a no brainer after the crazy hail storms that hit Sydney Friday afternoon.
We still had a beautiful sunset from our balcony that night though.
We watched Savages. Has anyone seen it?
I don't want to give anything away, but if you have seen it - did the end part give annoy you just a  lil bit? I really thought it was unnecessary and there were some parts in the movie where you were like "as if you'd be that stupid", but on a whole I liked it.
Oh and am I the only one who ever wishes Blake Lively's mouth would open properly when she talks? Yes she's a gorgeous girl and a good actor and all, but sometimes it frustrates the heck out of me!
Dat Girl was featured on GetFashion's Instagram today - I can't believe how much love it's getting!
Ohh and how was your Spring carnival celebrations? I LOOOVEEE going to the races, it is the one form of gambling I really enjoy and probably get a bit too serious about.
Wearing Dat Girl Trapeze dress
I didn't win the Cup, but was on a good roll of getting returns for the first 5 races of the day. I was offering my advice, tips and all. ;)
We have another Dat Girl photo shoot this weekend, a HUGE one actually. Now that A is back from Melbourne, I told him he should stick around for it to which he responded, "No, you'll be in work mode and we will have a fight, we'll go to the pub instead". Hmmph. Probably true. 


  1. I love lawn bowls! Great tactic that you used there too!

    1. This was my first time, but I do think i'll play again!

  2. Your legs are amazingggggggggg. You always look so well put together!!! xx

    1. Thanks hun, I don't ever feel well put together! lol xx
